In his recent memoir, viagra Delivering Happiness, no rx Tony Hsieh clearly lays out the key themes of his personal and professional life, ed especially when he describes the moment when Zappos’ culture truly began to cohere. The major struggle the company faced in its early years was finding employees as committed to customer service as the executives were. After realizing that they weren’t going to find them in California, Tony and his team decided to move somewhere with a much stronger culture of service. They considered many options, but ultimately chose Las Vegas. As Tony writes, “We had about ninety employees in San Francisco at the time, and I had thought maybe half of them would decide to uproot their lives and move with the company. A week later, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that seventy employees were willing to give Vegas a shot.”
Employees who decided to make the move were making a major commitment to Zappos. “Probably the biggest benefit of moving to Vegas was that nobody had any friends outside of Zappos, so we were all sort of forced to hang out with each other outside the office.” That proximity forced Tony to clearly define the culture he was building. He eventually settled on ten core values, but the last value is the most profound. It consists of only two words: “Be humble.”
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